ON THE CHANGE OF REPRA.NGIBILITY OF LIGHT. 379 little consequence whether the sulphate, phosphate, acetate, or hydrochlorate be used, since the first three salts would be immediately converted by the common salt in the body into the hydrochlorate, and the small quantity of a neutral salt of soda resulting from the double decomposition could hardly, one would suppose, be worth considering. However, the common quinine is associated with cinchonine, the reactions of which may be different. According to Sir John Herschel, the latter alkaloid does not exhibit the blue colour, and therefore the optical tests do not apply to it. If it be desired to obtain a soluble salt of quinine which shall not be converted by common salt, by double decomposition, into a hydrochlorate, it must apparently be sought for among the combinations of quinine with very weak acids, the affinity of which for soda does not much help that of hydrochloric acid for quinine. It seems likely enough that such salts may exist; for though acetate or citrate of quinine decomposes hydro-chlorate of soda, hydrochlorate of quinine is decomposed by carbonate of soda; and it is probable that many vegetable acids behave like the carbonic in this respect. 211. The blue dispersion of a solution of sulphate of quinine is destroyed by hydrobrorriic and hydriodic acids just as by hydrochloric. In the experiment, solutions of bromide and iodide of potassium were used; but as a considerable excess of sulphuric acid was purposely added to the solution of quinine, the potassa introduced would merely remain inert in the solution as a sulphate, without impeding the observation. The same experiment was tried with phosphate of quinine with the same result. 212. It is stated in Turner's Chemistry, that the play of colours observed in solutions of polychrome (i.e. esculine) is destroyed by acids, and heightened by alkalies. The destruction, or at least, almost complete destruction, of the blue colour due to dispersed light in a decoction of the bark of the horse-chestnut, which is produced by acids, is readily observed; but I could not perceive that the addition of alkalies in the first instance to a fresh solution made any difference one way or other. If the blue colour had previously been destroyed by an acid, it was restored by the alkali. If the horse-chestnut had never been examined chemically, these observations alone would indicate that in all