ON THE CHANGE OF RE FEASIBILITY OF LIGHT. 307 first minimum ran obliquely into the dark tooth corresponding to the absorption band No. 1. 60. The reason of the occurrence of these minima appears to be simply this, that the more copiously dispersed light is produced, the more rapidly the incident light is used up in producing it, so that minima of activity correspond to points of the spectrum at which the incident light penetrates to comparatively great distances into the fluid before it is absorbed. The oblique position observed in the first minimum is readily explained by considering that the illumination at any point of the field of view depends conjointly upon the activity of the incident light, which is a function of its refrangibility, and upon the fraction of the incident light left unabsorbed, which last is a function both of the refrangibility and of the distance from the first surface. 61. It seems worthy of remark, that while the quantity of dispersed light is liable to fluctuations having an evident relation to the bands of absorption which occur throughout the spectrum, the quality of the light dispersed, as regards its refrangibility, appears rather to have reference to the intense absorption band No. 1. Extract from "blue leaves of the Mercurialis perennis. 62. The juice of this plant has the property of turning blue by exposure to the air. Some leaves and stalks which had turned blue were treated with alcohol, and a green fluid was thus obtained much resembling in colour the ordinary solutions of leaf-green, but I think of a rather bluer green than usual. In its mode of absorption, too, it much resembled ordinary solutions of leaf-green, to which substance no doubt the greater part of its colour was due. Its internal dispersion however was very peculiar, for it dispersed a copious orange in place of a blood red like the extracts from fresh green leaves in general, those of the Mercurialis perennis included. On analysis the dispersed beam was found to consist chiefly of a red band, similar to that which occurs in solutions of leaf-green, and of a yellow or orange and yellow band, a good deal brighter than the former, from which it was separated by an intervening dark band. When the fluid was 20—2