ON THE MOTION OF PENDULUMS. 63 which gives R = ^L = (Ar~* + B + Clog r + JV) cos 0 rdu 6 = -= dr -JJ- C- Glogr- 3ZV) sin 0. The first of the equations of condition (117) requires that (7=0, D=0, J3 = -r, which also satisfies the second. We have thus only one arbitrary constant left whereby to satisfy the two equations of condition (116), and the same value of A will not satisfy these two equations. 46. It appears then that the supposition of steady motion is inadmissible. It will be remembered that, in the case of the sphere, the solution of the problem was only possible because it so happened that the values of two arbitrary constants determined by satisfying the first of the equations of condition (117) satisfied also the second, which indicates that the solution was to a certain extent tentative. We have evidently a right to conceive a sphere or infinite cylinder to exist at rest in an infinite mass of fluid also at rest, to suppose the sphere or cylinder to be then moved with a uniform velocity V, and to propose for determination the motion of the fluid at the end of the time t. But we have no right to assume that the motion approaches a permanent state as t increases indefinitely. We may follow either of two courses. We may proceed to solve the general problem in which the sphere or cylinder is supposed to move from rest, and then examine what results we obtain by supposing t to increase indefinitely, or else we may assume for trial that the motion is steady, and proceed to inquire whether we can satisfy all the conditions of the problem on this supposition. The former course would have the disadvantage of requiring a complicated analysis for the sake of obtaining a comparatively simple result, and it is even possible that the solution of the problem might baffle us altogether; but if we adopt the latter course, we must not forget that the equations with which wo work are only provisional. It might be objected that the impossibility of satisfying the conditions of the problem on the hypothesis of steady motion !;