8 ON THE EFFECT OF THE INTERNAL FRICTION OF FLUIDS effect of the water corresponding to an increase in the time of vibration, and expressly attributes it to the viscosity of the fluid. Having afterwards occupied myself with the theory of the friction of fluids, and arrived at general equations of motion, the same in essential points as those which had been previously obtained in a totally different manner by others, of which, however, I was not at the time aware, I was desirous of applying, if possible, these equations to the calculation of the motion of some kind of pendulum. The difficulty of the problem is of course materially increased by the introduction of internal friction, but as I felt great confidence in the essential parts of the theory, I thought that labour would not be ill-bestowed on the subject. I first tried a long cylinder, because the solution of the problem appeared likely to be simpler than in the case of a sphere. But after having proceeded a good way towards the result, I was stopped by a difficulty relating to the determination of the arbitrary constants, which appeared as the coefficients of certain infinite series by which the integral of a. certain differential equation was expressed. Having failed in the case of a cylinder, I tried a sphere, and presently found that the corresponding differential equation admitted of integration in finite terms, so that the solution of the problem could be completely effected. The result, I found, agreed very well with Baily's experiments, when the numerical value of a certain constant was properly assumed; but the subject was laid aside for some time. Having afterwards attacked a definite integral to which Mr Airy had been led in considering the theory of the illumination in the neighbourhood of a caustic, I found th&t the method which I had employed in the case of this "integral* would apply to the problem of the resistance to a cylinder, and it enabled me to get over the difficulty with which I had before been baffled. I immediately completed the numerical calculation, so far as was requisite to compare the formulae with Baily's experiments on cylindrical rods, and found a remarkably close agreement between theory and observation. These results were mentioned at the meeting of the British Association at Swansea in 1848, and are briefly described in the volume of reports for that year. The present paper is chiefly devoted to the solution of the problem in the two cases of a sphere and of a long cylinder, and to * [Ante, Vol. n. p. 328.]